Bairagarh Living: A space by itself

A natural living, synonymous to – A living with all the five elements in their purest form.

Discover Bairagarh Living… it’s like coming back to Nani’s home.

We all have a dream home etched in our memories… a home that is relaxing and non-formal… where you can experience freedom all the time. Take a break from habits and expectations; and rejuvenate with just rest. A place where you can always be ‘you’— your true self. A place where everything welcomes you, just the way you are. A place where you don’t have to be formal or take care of anything and yet you know, you are always cared for.

Bairagarh Living is just that place. Here you’ll feel you’ve come to your own dream home. It is informal, boundless, friendly and caring. For the city woman it’s like the rural ‘Mayka’, and for the corporate captain, it’s like coming back to that good old ‘Nani’s house’ during the school summer holidays.

At Bairagarh Living, freedom is in the air. Far away from the city skyline, here you can feel freedom in the green fields swaying to the tune of country breeze… in the trusting peacocks and squirrels that’ll eat out of your hand… in the loving warmth of rabbits and cows you can cuddle up to and feed a fresh greens with your own hands. It is Farm-living at its natural best. Here, as you break free from the conventional concept of a confined holiday destination and discover many faces of freedom that are an integral part of farm life. It is relaxing in its natural flowing pace and at the same time exciting in its endless possibilities.

Bairagarh Living is just that place. Here you’ll feel you’ve come to your own dream home. It is informal, boundless, friendly and caring. For the city woman it’s like the rural ‘Mayka’, and for the corporate captain, it’s like coming back to that good old ‘Nani’s house’ during the school summer holidays.

At Bairagarh Living, freedom is in the air. Far away from the city skyline, here you can feel freedom in the green fields swaying to the tune of country breeze… in the trusting peacocks and squirrels that’ll eat out of your hand… in the loving warmth of rabbits and cows you can cuddle up to and feed a fresh greens with your own hands. It is Farm-living at its natural best. Here, as you break free from the conventional concept of a confined holiday destination and discover many faces of freedom that are an integral part of farm life. It is relaxing in its natural flowing pace and at the same time exciting in its endless possibilities.

Try walking into the perpetually open central kitchen and get involved in what’s cooking; or have fun lending a helping hand in any of the farming activities. Spend some time grooming and feeding the loving cows or just play with many other animals around. Every day at sunrise and sunset, watch the hand of God painting the horizon with strokes of clouds dipped in divine colours. Spend some time watching the wild flowers, birds and butterflies; or just absorb the sights and sounds of nature at its natural best.

Food at Bairagarh Living is like a love affair. Most of it is lovingly grown at the farm itself. It is harvested in gratitude and cooked with reverence… just like the good old Nani always did. Here you can feel free to ask for any of your long forgotten old favorites like Dhaniye-Pudine ki Chatni, Missi Roti, Churme ke Laddu, or any of the modern delights. At farm living, everything may always not be there, but very lovingly, we’ll certainly try and get it for you!

Comfort is the key word at Bairagarh Living. Right from your personal living space — the sun-lit rooms, the skin-comforting cotton bed linen to the sprawling openness around… everything has been planned to make you feel free, all the time. When you come to Bairagarh Living you open doors to a loving relationship that’s beautiful like past memories and promising like future dreams.

Comfort is the key word at Bairagarh Living. Right from your personal living space — the sun-lit rooms, the skin-comforting cotton bed linen to the sprawling openness around… everything has been planned to make you feel free, all the time. When you come to Bairagarh Living you open doors to a loving relationship that’s beautiful like past memories and promising like future dreams.

Work-from-farm, Nature-watch, Yoga-and-meditation, Discover-thyself, Reading, Music or Just-chill… Life menu at Bairagarh Living is endless. 



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Be with Nature


Encounter Wildlife


Farm to Table


Luxury Accomodation


Multiple Activities

About Bairagarh

The magical landscape of Bairagarh Living at Hatod, Shivpuri in Madhya Pradesh is a blessed space — a seamless continuation of its natural surroundings. It is surrounded by about 3 lac hectares of natural jungle. Here you’ll find no boundaries between you and the five elements of nature. It’s an ideal place to be one with nature. Here Earth smells divine. Sky is always like an azure blue blessing over our heads. In the Air there’s always a fragrance here. Fire of the hearth flavours our daily food and the nectar like Water nurtures us and nourishes our fields.

Legend behind the name Bairagarh is a long forgotten folklore. It is said that long before Hatod acquired its present name, it was called ‘Baira-garh’ or the fortress of ‘Baira’. Old timers say that once a massive Baheda tree (Terminalia bellirica) that is locally called Baira tree, dominated this landscape. It was huge and spread over an exceptionally large area. Its popularity had spread far and wide and this place became identified with that iconic fortress like tree. Eventually people started calling this place ‘Bairagarh’. In time the noble tree, that is said to have spread over acres, died and gradually its memory faded. Subsequently this place was renamed Hatod.

‘Bairagarh Living’ is our humble effort to revive the legacy of that ancient tree